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Found 1722 results for any of the keywords in situ metallography. Time 0.011 seconds.
Asset Integrity Management | Fitness for Service (ffs)TCR Advanced has expertise in Asset Integrity Management, Fitness for Service - ffs, Metallography, Material Testing, Metal Testing,etc.
Fabrication Industry Solutions ProviderTCR Advanced is focussed on helping clients across the fabrication space by providing solutions that consistently deliver sustainable results.
Manufacturing Industry Solutions ProviderTCR Advanced has helped clients in the manufacturing industry to address pressing challenges by offering pragmatic solutions to fuel growth.
Fertilizer Industry Solutions ProviderWe offers innovative workable solutions, Which helped many fertilizers industries to shorten the inspection time and reduce cost by avoiding scaffolding.
Oil and Gas Industry Solutions ProviderWe serves the world's largest Oil and Gas Industries. We have many refinery experts such as Dr. V.R. Krisnan in the field of design and corrosion field.
Power Generation Industry | Vendor Development | TrainingThe Power Generation Industry is the backbone of modern society, providing the essential electricity that powers our homes, businesses, and infrastructure. From traditional fossil fuel-based power plants to innovative re
Engineering Procurement and Construction Solutions ProviderTCR is a leading service provider for national and international organizations like GMR, Linde Engineering India Pvt Ltd, Technip, L&T Construction etc.
Remaining Life AssessmentRemaining Life Assessment is needed for increasing cost of new equipment and diminishing resources.
Chemical Industry Solutions ProviderTCR is a leading service provider to the world’s largest petrochemical companies like SABIC, SADARA, Saudi Chevron, Tasnee, Sahara Petrochemical company.
Pharmaceutical Industry Solutions ProviderTCR Advanced has successfully served giants in the pharma industry like Pfizer, Alembic, Lupin, Sun Pharma among others. Our clients are locally and nationally.
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